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Women in Engineering Week

TMLA Women in Engineering Week!

Date: July 29 - August 2

Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Grades: 7 - 9; Girls only

Cost: $250.00

Location: The Mary Louis Academy, 176-21 Wexford Terrace, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432

Payment may be completed with credit card or by cash/personal check. Please be sure to select the correct option at the bottom of this registration form.

All checks made payable to The Mary Louis Academy and mailed to:

The Mary Louis Academy


176-21 Wexford Terrace

Jamaica Estates, NY 11432

Lunch will not be provided. Please ensure that your child brings her own lunch and snacks; all peanut-free foods


Designed for young women entering Grades 7, 8, or 9 who want to learn more about the role innovation and engineering play in their lives. These engineers will engage in hands-on, team-based engineering design projects where they will apply their creativity in designing engineering solutions. Our program aims to inspire, motivate, and encourage students to explore all fields of engineering. Exploring engineering while in school nurtures their natural curiosity, builds their confidence, and fosters their interest in engineering as a fun, exciting, and rewarding career! Registration is open and space is limited; the cost of the program is $250 per student.

Student Information

Parent Information

Answer Required


By signing this form, I, as parent/guardian, permit The Mary Louis Academy (TMLA) to use pictures of my child as a program participant in promotional literature, videos, TMLA website and social media platforms. I understand my child's name will not be provided.

The Mary Louis Academy (TMLA) is not permitted to administer medication to program participants. In the event of a medical emergency, TMLA will administer first aid in the best interest of the child. Parents will be contacted if care is administered. Emergency allergy medications may be administered if provided by and directed in writing by the child's parent/guardian.

I verify that the participant has had a medical physical within the last 365 days and is fully cleared to participate in sports and activities.
Terms of Participation Waiver*
Answer Required


Written cancellation/refund requests submitted 10 days prior to the start of Summerfest session are fully refundable, minus the transaction fee. Refund requests under 10 days but prior to the start of Summerfest are 50% refundable, minus the transaction fee. Unfortunately, a refund will not be available for a session in progress. No refunds will be given for cancellations once Summerfest has started unless the participant has an injury, illness and can provide a note from their medical provider, as well as a signed statement from the parent or legal guardian confirming that this note is genuine and based upon the opinion of a medical professional. (If you are able to satisfy these 2 requirements, a refund will be issued.)

There are no refunds for missed days.

Terms of Refund Policy*
Answer Required
Price: $250.00
Please select this option if NOT paying by credit card
Answer Required
Confirmation Email